
Showing posts from March 31, 2019
TODAY IN 7B: RELIGION: class read about and discussed the incarnate Christ ENGLISH BLOCK 7-2: students were given 20 minutes to review spelling and vocab with a partner; U.13 Spelling Test; class submitted Comic Strip Dialogues; notes on writing "good" dialogue (SHOW vs. Tell); students worked with a partner to create a lively dialogue in proper format ENGLISH 8: U.13 Spelling Test; class received a TED Talk graphic organizer (NOT HW); rest of period spent using attached help-documents and video of outline format to create TED Talk Outlines---due Friday on GC ART MUSIC COPELAND HOMEWORK: ENGLISH 7: study for U.13 Vocab Test and finish partner dialogues ;(7-1 also needs to review for U.13 Spelling Test) ENGLISH 8: study for U.13 Vocab Test and work on TED Talk Outline (due Friday)
TERESA DAY!!  TODAY IN 7B: MONDAY MORNING ASSEMBLY: Conor Hickey was recognized as a Life-long Learner SLE of the Month; all-school photo for Teresa Day ENGLISH 7: "Completing the Sentence"; correct Quotation HW; mini-review + "Dialogue in Creative Writing" video; translated comic strip into dialogue ENGLISH 8: Infinitive Practice; finish U.13 Completing the Sentence"; watched what makes a good persuasive speaker; begin researching for TED Talk  RELIGION: Creator Prayer Poster;  LITERATURE: continued reading I Will Always Write Back COPELAND HOMEWORK:  ENGLISH 7: rewrite comic strip dialogue in a BALANCED fashion (as reviewed in class)--tomorrow, submit comic strip/1st basic dialogue/2nd Revised & Balanced dialogue  ENGLISH 8: finish U.13 Completing the Sentence; review for tomorrow's Infinitive Quiz; choose topic for TED Talk and submit to GC