
Showing posts from November 4, 2018
TODAY IN 7B: PE ENGLISH 7-1: U.5 This Just In ENGLISH 7-2: class took a Midsummer Night's Dream Final Test; rest of time spent starting U.5 This Just In ENGLISH 8-1 & 8-2: HSPT structure & strategy--introducing components and practicing Reading Comprehension (SQRA) and Verbal Logic RELIGION: students continued to work on Study Guide for final test SPANISH: STUDY HALL (Last Day Before End of Trimester) COPELAND HOMEWORK: RELIGION: study EVERYTHING for tomorrow's final exam ENGLISH 7: finish and submit to Google Classroom, U.5 This Just In ENGLISH 8: complete both packets for review in class tomorrow
TODAY IN 7B: RELIGION: Students worked on 1st Trimester Final Exam Study Guide ENGLISH 7-1: A Midsummer Night's Dream Final Test; time to work on U.5 Vocabulary Workshop ENGLISH 7-2: ACT V Quiz; time to work on U.5 Vocabulary Workshop ENGLISH 8: Using their Venn Diagram notes from the movie, students took The Devil's Arithmetic Novel vs. Movie Test; time given to work on U.5 Vocabulary Workshop; most students submitted hard copy of "I AM" Holocaust Poem ART MUSIC COPELAND HOMEWORK: PE: Nutrition Plate due tomorrow!! (Counts for a big part of your grade---so do your best work) ENGLISH 7 & 8: by now, you should have done the full audio-intro to U.5 (while highlighting words, definitions, and synonyms) also "Choosing the Right Word"---if you choose, you may do Synonyms & Antonyms. ALL "I AM" Poems must be submitted by tomorrow (hard copy due)
TODAY IN 7B: PE ENGLISH 7: 7-2 finished reading Act V; both class took notes for A Midsummer Night's Dream Test (vocab & identifying quotes) ENGLISH 8-1:  THE GREATEST AMERICAN SPANISH RELIGION: students were given time to re-read & review pp.311-325 and 330-333 for a 1st Trimester Religion FINAL COPELAND HOMEWORK: ENGLISH 7: finish Final Test vocab flash cards (from today's notes) AND review past packets and comic summaries of the play  ENGLISH 8-1 & 8-2: "I AM" Holocaust Poem due tomorrow. MUST BRING HARD COPY TO CLASS. 
TODAY IN 7B: MONDAY MORNING ASSEMBLY: Lifelong Learner Student-of-the-Month Michael M. ENGLISH 7: students received verbal instructions for U.5 Vocab (told to write in planner); Act V of A Midsummer Night's Dream pp.51-52; spend rest of class writing Act V Vocab flash cards/Quizlet ENGLISH 8-1: finished the movie The Devil's Arithmetic while finishing Venn Diagram (comparing and contrasting book with movie); I AM poem assigned; test on Wednesday RELIGION: notes and sample of how to write a "3 minute Retreat" (submit to GC by tomorrow) LITERATURE: AR Time COPELAND HOMEWORK:  ENGLISH 7-1 AND 7-2: DO audio-intro to U.5 Vocab (listen, read, repeat, & highlight); finish ACT V vocab flash cards/Quizlet and study for tomorrow's quiz ENGLISH 8-1 only:  DO audio-intro to U.5 Vocab (listen, read, repeat, & highlight); finish & submit "I AM" Holocaust Poem and print a hard copy for class  RELIGION: finish creating individual 3 Minute